Friday, February 18, 2011

Moonbeam Nectar

Moonbeam NecTAR

I saw her, a halo in an obelisk dream, rising over the field as she does
She stirs me awake long before dawn, She is near with her astral realm

She is a jewel reflected in a vast sea of appearance
A sea adorned with a garland of waves
Stillness dons Motion

My ailing eyes see a faceless Buddha in the distance
A Buddha reposed beyond worry and confusion
Just So

Hunger for experience comes and goes
Fantasy construction takes turns with mandala offering

Watch out for happiness and sorrow
Not so easy to dodge their subtle advances

I wonder about anger and indulgence and the swift torrent of duty
Time and commitment
One can’t be grasped, the other we strive for honor to keep

As we move along with wine and song and other medicines
May we gaze every few breaths into the wind ringing in the chimes
And in the boundless within hear the roar of the vast ocean of mind

Now I am strong, still waxing it would seem
But other clues say waning, well over the crest
Seasons come and go like efficient clockwork and I wonder what fleeting
   essences escape me
The frantic gardener runs to catch up with his gang of sun worshippers
Remember Equanimity and the greatest of adaptogens, the breath
Balancing journey and goal, one step ahead of obsession and affliction

Standing on the edge of a precipice, I sleep and I dream I can fly
But I stand on the Earth like the rest of us, ‘twas just a trick of the eye
I complain to the moon a complete buffoon
As time makes a test of us
I intone to the rain I am weary of pain
And this Earth makes a guest of us

A bug just died in my tea
The wheels of transition know only motion
Just like Now
I want to look into your eyes and feel the warmth of your body
Oh brothers and sisters of the Circle Wind
I will go back soon to passing signs and calling for whirlwinds
Give us Eyes to see the View,
Resolve to cultivate the Conduct,
Focus to perfect the Technique,
and Space to Manifest the Fruition.

Come and Join the Mandala.

Document 11

Document 11

Check Out My Eggshell House       A Glistening Jewel of Bad Ass-ness
Time Flattens Hollow Dreams

We can carry only Qualities , though Tendencies appear to tag along
Funny how moments and hey days fade
We honeymooners can attest to that

Riding on the Bones of our Ancestors to Destinations Unknown
Another day and night without Clear Seeing Omniscience
Forecast calling for Overcast Lives of Obscuration
Defy Gravity and You Will Fly and Merge With Sky
Break Through and Leap Over

Humans are Lost, Hidden in their predictable Habit Paths
Too bad we are Social Creatures as Solitude calls, but weakly

Half Dead Old Folks investing in Sand Castle Tomorrows
Legacy and Legend Inspire Laggards
May Healthy Happy Holistic Hooligans Hack the Facades

To Simply Breathe Together with Awareness without the distraction of entertainment
This is a Blessing
A Smile and a Gentle Touch
We all seem to hide behind Words and Ego – Salesmen All

The Mindful dwell in the Shadow of the Great Mountain, Naked Mind
Ready for Whatever
The Deluded grasp for meaning and wax dazzled by the sparkling jewel promises
Even in the Earth one can’t Hide from the Sky

Ever lost in Culture and Hoods the Fool dwells in the Shadow of a Mountain of baggage
May We Carry the Elixir of Mindfulness and Imbibe the Wine of Awareness
Time and Effort Will Make Drunkards of Us All
All That Appears is the Bottomless Wine Flask of Bliss
Wine and Strange Drugs Compose Consciousness Itself
May we Dwell Ever At the Happy Threshold
Ready For Whatever

A Babbler Wondering about Enlightenment
Tossing Words Onto a Screen

Sifting Notions

Still Waiting for the Dawn

Still Waiting for the Dawn

Cinema associates magick with greed for power
Spiritual Alchemy in its uneventful transformations escapes notice

A life surrounded by strangers, prisoners of culture
A life fading away as no one acts

This desire for social transformation burns a hole in my mind every day
What stench of scum we have become ,
Cowering behind courtesy, trend, and expectation.
Excuses and wasted words
Silence has no power here

Communication is the key to Community ye Oxymorons
Circulate the word-prana

I spy fools in their worried prospering
I offer gems to glow dreams, yet they sparkle unnoticed

Cycles rise and fall, flowers bloom and fade, fruit ripens and rots
We see not the light in the darkness nor the darkness in the light
We are carried along by our habit-feelings in their unidirectional tunnels

Speak wisdom ye fools!  Just so, the wise speak folly
Spark the tune and revel in the waxing madness of the unknown that fills the vista
Offer yourselves to the clan!
Let the heart of family expand
This is the Wooing of Mind Energy

Touch the Center now and then or there will be no Center
The Centers are our points of convergence
Each Center draws a Circle

A sloppy mage is a mage none the less and magick is the means to magick
Come and Touch the Center, Each Center that you have cared to hover around
Your hovering keeps the Center a Center and your Touch strengthens it

Pardon Me Whatever

Confessions of a Coffee Mage

Confessions of A Coffee Mage

Coffee Coffee Witch's Brew
`Tis after you more work I'll do
Bitter steaming black and motion
A fitting brew - the witch's potion

Awake Awake Awake I've spoken
A spell is born a spell is broken
A moment to savor a wave to surf
As we make our way along the turf

Cup of nectar Medicine Savior
Nudge us to our best behavior
Enjoy the moments - this'n and that'n
Through bliss and torments - contentment to fatten.

(OK Coffee break's over - back on your heads)

Full Moon Song

Full Moon Song
When the evening comes around
Aye the Queen will wear her crown

They say that madmen come unwound
When she waxes full and round

The wolves will make the howling sound
When she waxes full and round

Her silver light comes shining down
As she waxes full and round

The Wisdom of the Circle found
As she waxes full and round

In her arms we're safe and sound
As she waxes full and round

Her light will marry sky and ground
As she waxes full and round

Friday, February 4, 2011

* She of the Scarlet Season

*She of the Scarlet Season

Burning with hunger and thirst, there is health
Burning with lust and desire, there is satisfaction
Burning with the fire of danger, there is resolve
Burning with concern for brother and sister, there is harmony
Burning with the urge to tell tales, there is poetry
Burning with hunger for knowledge, there is insight
Burning with concern for all that is, there is selflessness
Burning with the urge to transcend and unite with truth, there is Just That
She of the Scarlet Season uncoils and rises to meet the sky
Tis Ever the Season of Transformation
From swelling knot-wheels to buds to exquisite flowers
May the Garland of Awakening Adorn the Unfathomable Sky Mind Jewel

*(poem for Arrow’s beautiful painting entitled “She of the Scarlet Season”
- poem based on Nema’s Forgotten Ones)