There’s a Hole in the Sky
Aye, the wolves ache with hunger as the last nutritional vestiges of my
beloved friends fall away into waste
There is no fairness in life even though we are the lords of karma that make our house
Give Love when You can, Always and try not to forget
More wretched enigma stretches forth to nowhere and no one
Language was born of necessity and brought forth advantage
And here it just gropes for pretty garlands to feed an art-mind maker of packages
The Fool Dances Alone
For now I will accept the hints and begone, only to come when summoned
Did I draw you near to enhance your world or mine? I am unsure
Communicatory energies barely registering
The altar sits abandoned, old rancid offerings strewn about amongst cobwebs and dust
Humans side by side, each playing their own ego-game, ignoring one another
The Fool Dances Alone
The soft call of a brighter future is the just the cycle we all ride
The muddy murky mist of the crystal ball sees no definite plans
Day by day and night by night we ride duty and habit along our destiny paths
The Fool Dances Alone
Silence, ignorance, and deflection where once was play, trust, and conviction
But wait! Packets of possibility do launch now and then, though likely to fizzle untended
Oh Well, Tis the way of modernity, lost in busyness and self-rising-falling
The Fool Dances Alone
She pulls us Now with potency plucking at our prana
Reality is rarely what we think it is yet we base all our actions on our idea of it
Funny That.
How somberly and soberly and with great serious calm we proceed with our folly
Is there time for love?
Is there time to save even our own lives?
The Crown is seized and no one notices for the Kingdom is a dream of yesterday
Who will Marry the Land? Who will Lay with the Old Woman?
Who will traverse the Underworld?
Ah but times have shifted and styles changed
Each Self is now King and all Other is Subject as part of Kingdom
Yet King, Kingdom, and Rulership are indistinguishable
We are scattered like disconnected wanderers
What once was trickling water is now rock faces bearded white with ice crystal falls
Now we pull our cloaks of self-interest over our exposed faces to warm them
with the familiar comforts of the habitual actions that define us
To be hungry or sated, loved or hated, uncertain or fated, lessons loom
I can only call on the gods to help us learn these lessons faster so we can move on
Even the great love-king split into pieces liberating hell demons
Such is the nature of impatience
There is nothing to be done, only doing
Funny, our own thought processes, our own pictures of reality, hide reality from us
The Beauty and Grace that Could Be is ever falling away as the windows veil over
Scanning ever for Opportunity et Unity
Please blow my mind ye of other bodies and mindstreams
Make me smile and wonder joyfully
Help me now I’m falling, ah falling, alas the freedom of space envelops me
I cannot help but think we should be doing things in different ways
Bearing one another up with our individual talents
Instead of showcasing them as singular achievements to be venerated
Composite jewel of many-gemmed facets seems preferable to lone gems all spread about
Pride and Envy are just distractions, why call them?
Death accepts not these laurels
I wanna hold hands again like in the good old days that never really were
Dost ye feel embarrassed for the pitiful stumbling drunk?
Ah but the Joy of the Jig still rings on even in the steps of mad men
There is a Hole in the Sky
And if one looks through the thin silver veil
One might see a fool dancing alone
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