Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Midnight Sky Blue

Midnight Sky Blue

Times gone and times to come
To fall away body and all into the perfect point of now without fear

The boundless blue black begging bowl contains universes
There is only breathing, here

Longing for the familiar grace of sadhana
Weary of wandering, of chasing and fleeing

Watching dreaming tripping and falling, weightless
Aging and aging and aging
The journey to death bodes success
Child on fire calling the mother
Bodies of light reunite
Activate the subtleties
Awaken the hidden possibilities

Great Work and Great Way
Things to do and places to go

Chakra Queen rules the evening and permeates all below
Clear and unblemished
But we worry here toiling with our flaws,
Greedily gripping schemes of joys and missed sorrows
Aspire to sincerity and relaxed unhindered effort
Let laughter rein in distraction
Consumption and production seems a medicine poison dance
Subtle and dangerous dances of necessity help and hinder
Daring and caring mingle and rebels heal strange wounds
Beyond the barrage of cute and clever dwell odd revealings
Gestures of noble intention may expand infinitely indefinitely
Oceans made of drops and drops made of oceans
Unfathomable is the mind like space
It is nowhere to be found
Yet we can sense presence

Love is giving up our petty version of selfness
All states are one stateless state accessed through a gateless gate

Death and tomorrow vie for our attention
Once death comes there will be no more tomorrows
in this fleshpod
Meditation is deactivation of the senses and being without the bodily probing devices
No body No mind No shit No problem Know how
Ah, in the sweet clarity of the Silent and the Dark
Allow thoughts to fall away of their own accord