What Shall I Name Ye My Dear?
Glistening tear of sorrow
As today gives way to tomorrow
Quiet comfort of life on an autumn night
Dissolves in a future that forgets
We are bones
Bones for our children
Patterns tonic and toxic seduce us with promises of glory
Can I sway your one track girl minds beyond the norm you have found?
Slogans and sayings fill me with nausea and swaying
To pass on the dawn of view with such spew makes me wonder
We worship the elegance of eloquence that clothes essence
This is our lore, that we devour with such gore
We are the whore, the seeker of experience
We long to touch and fuck knowing
We reach ahead and behind and try to bring to here that which we hold dear
But good golly this is folly for Now is our cow to milk
Aye that I could skip across the fabric of space-time to dance with ye
who dares to play with this charged and shimmering glee
Ha! I abscond with your complacency of rank
For I play the fool demon, the bitter trickster who sets the world a-spinning
Jump out of your skin and sin – no more
Writhe to and fro and grow, away from the dead skin cast of the past
I dare ye I dare ye – follow me to the land of the wild mad free
Whirl whorl oh girl
And show me a good time
Bring up the ritual reality of hospitality
Let there be rest for the ever sacred guest
and joy for the circular Kingdom of Troy
Open the gates for the wanderers who laughingly demand entry
For this is magick me dears and ‘les it stoke your fears all wise to comply and arise
as well
Ah but it is pain and sorrow this life
Embarrassing pastimes make me hang my head and laugh in defiance
For all failure and shame is but nothing to the untainted original mind!