Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Shall I Name Ye My Dear?

What Shall I Name Ye My Dear?

Glistening tear of sorrow
As today gives way to tomorrow
Quiet comfort of life on an autumn night
Dissolves in a future that forgets
We are bones
Bones for our children

Patterns tonic and toxic seduce us with promises of glory
Can I sway your one track girl minds beyond the norm you have found?

Slogans and sayings fill me with nausea and swaying
To pass on the dawn of view with such spew makes me wonder

We worship the elegance of eloquence that clothes essence

This is our lore, that we devour with such gore
We are the whore, the seeker of experience
We long to touch and fuck knowing

We reach ahead and behind and try to bring to here that which we hold dear
But good golly this is folly for Now is our cow to milk

Aye that I could skip across the fabric of space-time to dance with ye
   who dares to play with this charged and shimmering glee

Ha! I abscond with your complacency of rank
For I play the fool demon, the bitter trickster who sets the world a-spinning
Jump out of your skin and sin – no more
Writhe to and fro and grow, away from the dead skin cast of the past
I dare ye I dare ye – follow me to the land of the wild mad free

Whirl whorl oh girl
And show me a good time
Bring up the ritual reality of hospitality
Let there be rest for the ever sacred guest
   and joy for the circular Kingdom of Troy

Open the gates for the wanderers who laughingly demand entry
For this is magick me dears and ‘les it stoke your fears all wise to comply and arise
   as well

Ah but it is pain and sorrow this life
Embarrassing pastimes make me hang my head and laugh in defiance
For all failure and shame is but nothing to the untainted original mind!

Native Spirit River Rock

Native Spirit River Rock
The old track is abandoned except for seekers
Some stalk prey, some stalk health,
Some stalk vision, some stalk autumn seed and store

The stream is a movie scroll that never rests, ever unraveling to distant seas

Messages and myths of long ago encampments
Signs and Symbols and the twins:
Consecration and Desecration
   and the illusory bridge between them
Be at once honored and despised
   and see that even desecration is a form of consecration

Leaves danced and chattered and shadows of leaves danced and chattered as autumn sun skimmed o'er horizons

Awareness of motion and instability and the possibility of death

Refreshing alertness. A place to guard the mind
The wide and swift river and the confining hillside
Symphonies of elements tell of the peaceful danger of the valley
Fish swim and live and die unseen
Their ancestors once fed our ancestors

Guard the door Ye watcher
Guard the door that leads to delusion
Don't let you in

Raven and Squirrel and Chipmunk and Blue Jay appear
The quilled one is hidden but manifests death yonder and offers medicine for the bundle

Each moment is important and offers itself to awareness
Listen to the body without falling prey to it's longing to be grasped

Indian Summer dazzles with color and newfound sky in the forest

Spirit Rocks underwater manifest stable whirlpools and whoosh waves

The swift yet patient river smooths them round grain by grain

Spirits haunt and there is awareness through caution

Let the Oakfall begin

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Moonstream Stray Dream Nest

Moonstream Stray Dream Nest

Moonshine madness, Werewolf pain and frenzy, Bitter Desire come Rage
Compelling momentum of transformation
Outlaw wanderers of wastelands, avenger scavengers
The dog warns man and the dog warms man
Moon dog woman
She and her dog follow the moon o’er the horizon
Ocean dances for moon and moon dances for ocean,
A mirror surface reflecting moon, and ocean
Subtle body world of dreams and fantasy
Dreams of water drench the pallet

Drum trance close in to the fire as world turns to winterdark
The waves of heat distort distant trees unseen before
Smoke unfurls endlessly in the wind
The cold rain and wind contrast with the hot fire in elixir of sharp points
Fresh oakfall alights and sizzles
The hot red coals and the distant red sunset share perfect match of hue
As they are one, how can they not know one another?
They are one as well with tomorrow's full moonrise horizon glow

Fuel of earth comes and goes and we prepare to yoke the sun and wind and water
We will change, the world will change
Like stones in a stream or leaves in the wind we will land somewhere for a time

Homage to the three-legged spectre: model, recipe, and helpers
Find the cure for sure for sure or laugh and see the meaning of medicine

Tend to duty tend to friend and bend and bend and bend
Now how to summon the best to the crest to manifest the mighty MEST

Brisk is the night air, Ice longs to sparkle
Cold is the way now, familiar transitions appear
Unfamiliar ones loom on various horizons
Offer fear to fearlessness and be awake

Comfort, we can only bask in it for so long
Such is the Suffering of Change
Discomfort, our agony will only last a while
Such is the Joy of Change
We are creatures of adjustment

All worldly pleasure gives way to pain
All pain is temporary
I wander, lost in the midst and worshipping flow and body incantation
We pretend away filth and hide fears and perpetuate lies
This is our habitual sociality, our customs of pretense
We endeavor to show our best face and hide the rest

May all sentient beings be happy

oh, and Fuck You as well.

Enter the Shades

Enter the Shades

As noumen retreats from the land to cozier haunts of underworld dens
And the ginger-haired oaks brush the horizon
Gates of change creak ajar as bids the wheel of time
Wand’ring spirits and the elven dead tread among us
Smile and dance in revelry and memory

Zombie army of Woden soon enough to cut the icy sky in mad hunt gales
Rudra the Howler and his team of the fierce winds dance untamed
The old and wrinkly Callieach cackles in the delight of vengeance

‘Tis the time of cloaks
As the world veils itself in darkness
The dead and darkness rise
The power of dusk embraces all in its path

Perched on points of contrast we see the nature of transition
Creatures abandon their bodies, their shells
Hearth fires summon summer’s flowing flowering moisture
   leaving yesterday crispy and lifeless

Ah the quiet. The peace of solitude

We all haunt our bodies then leave them to be heaps of stench and dust
Memories and songs glow like stars for a while then dim
Awake we sense, asleep we dream, in dreamless rest we forget time
Aware we dwell in the continuum of the unborn undead

Candlelight and shadows converse in flickering dances
Poets paint petty pictures of thought-shadows
Form gives way to substancelessness

The far sky and the far hidden earth converse through the trees
Look! There are stars in the Well!

Reflections of Reflections of Reflections confound an ungraspable reality

Sleep beckons and so perhaps our fates would mingle in dreams
In any case we all wear our cloaks of illusion but only some of us accept them as such

Good night ye night birds