Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wanton Sunset

Wanton Sunset

Sunday sunset soft and silent, the air is brisk and still
Crescent moon alights as the flame leaps from the sun
The geese do honk a symphony and swirl in arcs with skill
The ever curious twilight hints of dreams and memories done

Oh life, what are you? And why do we fall in your chasms?
’Tis rare to impart knowledge to oneself, let alone companions
While alone and together we conspire and scheme to chase phantasms
While lonely colors mix with dusk as in mourning faded champions

We have all come for a visit, guests of earth for a time to dwell
Tomorrow is unknown, what it will be and whether it will come
For here in man’s realm is an elixir mixture of heaven and hell
For this is our vista vast and varied, rich in texture is our palatial slum

We and the world share elements and space and the beauty of moments ne’er fades
We and the world together and apart in body and mind and brain
The world devours us in gravity and atmosphere and in the mind’s mad cascades
While we long for peace and comfort and merely to be sane

To clarify and illuminate is to see and to know, yet peace lies beyond
Paths to happiness are strewn with hapless corpses and endless detours of delusion
With dormant seeds and hidden jewels through remembrance we bond
Then as our storms restless settle we can offer the hook and the friendly hand of inclusion

As we wonder and wish and prance and pout and shake our drunken fists
It has come to possess us this house of familiar custom comfort and view
Yet within and below is the warm and gentle glow of the moment’s soft mists
   which embrace and caress us always in a continuous homogenous brew

For you see there is no me and there is no you so all we do is imagine
Life is a moment and death is a moment fundamentally the same
And knowledge is illusion for we are presented to each coming moment a virgin
Rest in this through day and night I tell myself, for this beast cornered is hard to tame

May appearance and reality merge harmonious

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cleansing Matrix of Black

Cleansing Matrix of Black

Blot Moon Begins
So many children starve
Swathes of rainforest lost

We turn within covering our fragile faces with fur
Hekate yawns
Thresholds are still and quiet
The cricket song has faded
Baba Yaga roams with skull glow on night stroll patrol
Death beckons in the fields
Slain grain pageantry abounds

Dark moon mages wonder at next sun year’s moon work
Day and night confound one another in new contrast
The cold and the dark wax as the heat and the light wane
Illusions of good and evil pale in comparison

The moon has learned to dance, Always watching us with one face
Numbed ones seek shelter in holidays and familiar traditions
We bail the floodwaters of addiction plagues
Falling and rising, Clearing and veiling
Our day and night confound one another as well

Omens were derived from the sky by star priests who discovered science
Choices and gods floated and swam in the soups of mystery
Death and blood lived nearby

But demons are better fed than neglected
The food of attention nourishes the symbolic that sprouts from the ground of mystery
The darkness of the unknown is untainted with the illusory light of certainty
Thought is our Nemesis
We spread our mental tentacles into the fantasies of future and past
Searching for places to frolic and rest
Meanwhile pristine moments pass neglected
Unbounded presence knows the subtle wisdom lights of darkness
Our belief in Time deceives us

The weight of food and the habit of belief have solidified our seeming positions
But we philosophers must delve further in
Let us watch,
Watch what comes
And watch to not follow so that we can truly watch what comes
We watch us watch what comes so we can continue to watch
Then perhaps we will come to know or not know, for words fade beyond the gate

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dwell in the Nature of Mind

Dwell in the Nature of Mind

Buddha enslaves us
Buddha is Mind
Mind is Buddha
Look at Mind with Mind
But how can Mind look at Mind?
We follow Mind, We follow Time
Mind defines Time
We remember, We plan
We hide from Now that is in between and undefined
We adopt illusion in order to survive
Then illusion adopts us and we are subjects of the unreal
We are prisoners of past and future and all that arises from them

Rest in gaps of No Thought
Buddha is No Mind
No Mind is Buddha
Little Mind dissolves into Big Mind
Big Mind is No Mind
Buddha liberates us

Eureka! My Fellow Man You Reek

Eureka! My Fellow Man You Reek

Your confidence reeks of fear
Your pride reeks of insecurity
Your state of knowledge reeks of laziness
Your endorsements reek of gullibility
Your boycotts reek of superstition
Your comments reek of a closed mind
Your pastimes reek of the dregs of past time
Your habits reek of old castoff pastimes
Your schemes reek of cruel joke crapulence
Your positions reek of undeserved thrones
Your unfairness and bullying reek of dishonor
Your presence reeks of more of the same

Go Away oh Man of No depth
Sprout along my path no more
‘Tis you not me who weakens the herd
Your destiny is played out
The Old World is gone The New World is firmly here
Be apart of it on nature’s terms or die off
For this is merely biology of the mind

Monday, October 10, 2011

Moon Chalice Elixir

Moon Chalice Elixir
Moon Chalice Elixir

Moon Chalice Elixir
Palace of Golden Egg Heart Sun Womb Hearth
Moonglow of the nakeding of Autumn
Adorned with rings and rays and exquisite cloud garments

I ride in the approaching encroaching night wondering if what I see, hear, and feel is real
‘Tis the time of shadows and winds working and weaving their way within
'Tis the time of dancing leaves,
corpses of the fresh summer gone, playfully haunt the gates to 
   the desolate barren grey and brown of snowy silence 
We long for the comforts of full bellies and blankets and story buzz

Prince and Princess in union fill the dusk sea above the hill as mist paints the valley floor
This union is a gate, a gate-tree worm hole to anywhere
Their wane will witness the fates of the fallen,
The fallen gems that once rested in the green peace of summer
This wheel will take us to the tree, the gate, the cup, where the red and white unite
Silvery watery clear crystal rays
These are the waves of the unknown sea that calls us ever one by one
These are the subtle matter of light elves and the shimmer of bodies of light 
Perhaps our fierce gaze of attention can see it coming and be aware of the journey
Planes once only imagined become possible amidst our confusion and expectation
How well then will have fear and hope served us?
They cloud our kindness chance as thick veils
Better to wear untargeted the thin flowing garments of awakened friendliness
To stand cheerfully aware at the bow of the ship ready to aid the unfortunate blind

Dawn and dusk hide the stars
The Moon Lord ever in union with the Lady of Light
They dwell here alone in the Sky of Dawn and Dusk
Only later come their children the stars

Lotus Muck feeds the food of the gods
Moon Glow extracts the essence
And swoon and stumble even the gods in their immortal attitudes

The Middle Way is neutral and without affiliation.
Balance without partiality and preference

Only Love has Meaning
All else is the confusion of chasing the happiness we strangely crave
Writhing serpent dance of ecstasy stretches o’er the heavens adorning the center of night
Tossing and turning to and fro in pain and joy are we
Ever waxing and waning between wanting and not-wanting
Our Nemesis, our Goddess of Change, Painful Justice, Our Maat of Truth
She longs to embrace us and break us,
   of our bonds of habit-fear and habit-hope, of yes and no, of attraction and repulsion
Whatever happens happens