Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Age of Aquarius

Age of Aquarius

Great Circle, Great Year
Crossing the Boundary-Shadow-Threshold to the New from the Old
On the Verge of New Paradigms, New Myths, New Understandings
The Story of the Future Looms as we Prepare to Sow It
The Heavens and the Earth and the Mind and the Body
As there, so here

Cosmic Twins, Bull, Ram, Fishes, Water Bearer
Two brothers horns curl and fish swim in the pot water traveling between worlds
Set slays Osiris, Rudra slays Prajapati, Mithras slays the Bull,
     and rivals slay Mithras as history eclipses myth
Perhaps the ages of slayers are gone, yet the new requires removal of the old
New Story of the Sky, of the ever-mutating Body, of the vast and profound Mind,
   of our mother-companion Earth.
Sky, Body, Mind, Earth. In these fields we wander

The Poet has Aspirations on the Cold Oak Moon, the Black Moon,
   Rahu – who looms just now at the birth of the Sun

Less entertainment duality, less transaction distraction, less ego habit
More true collaboration, more genuine Love, more support, stronger community
Family and Familiar go the embracing Circle
Diversity et Unity, Analyze and Synthesize ah ye Alchemists

Universes appear to expand and contract but perhaps are without Time’s first and last
Perhaps we are beyond mere Universes that only appear to come and go
Within and Yet Beyond, the Finite and Infinite dance inseparable
All Appearance is Reality said the Good Jewel Buddha Wife
Wisdom Display Jnana Lila Gnosis Fabula
All that Appears is Free
But we feel the Two, attraction and repulsion, more so in our dark world of relativity
There is a third that moves between the two in ever-changing ratios of three
Unity et Diversity, the Dark Lords conceal yet reveal
All aspects of nameless formless godstuffness
Bound Ecstasy cheats time for a time
Make a road to the Beyond, Paragate
But do not seal the door and fall asleep
For the Giant Cosmic Mind State is All-Pervasive

The New Myth is Ours to Live as we merge Being and Becoming like any other day
Perhaps tomorrow will carry us on her destiny wings to deeper presence
   as our ancient karmic drudge burns away in the clarity of new knowing
Spin the Prayer Wheel, Turn the Wheel of the Law ye All of Fully Blooming Essence
Bow Happy to the Guru Mother that dwells in All Matter
Go Veg Go Veg Go Veg 

                                                            12-21-10 Full Moon Black and Sun at Womb-gate

Aspiration for a New Aeon

Aspiration for a New Aeon

We here are united by knowledge of secret methods and by a common quest for change
We notice the tendency to suffering and despair
   emanating from the systems of perpetuated obsolescence
We watch as confused humans cling to the crumbling pillars of the House of Dysfunction
We who live outside the box, we see their narrowed thought-paths
We sense their helpless hopeless cries for help as they cling to hope
They are resigned to faith and wishes, giving all to unsane scenarios
We experience the utter tackiness of their art
They fear the openness of possibility and the vastness of infinity
It is the sickness of delusion that touches us all in various ways
Loved ones die and fade away, our aid hard to give
Children grow and become, our aid hard to give
We are part of a world caught up in a world view of suspicion and distrust
Ego boundaries defined by outmoded paradigms
Ever spinning news of yucky exploits
The mentality of ignorance; ignoring what is plain to see to those trained to see
People tend to do what is available and accessible to them
May we be able to make available and accessible new paradigms, new ways of seeing

Even in the midst of the rhythm of time cycles there is always room for a golden age
or a time of change, for the wheels of change ne’er cease to roll
Whether named for the war child, the feather maiden of balance, or some other
A new Tao of Refinement we all chase

May imbalance, instability, toil, and struggle be mere adjustment
May we cultivate always the great patience of mindful awareness
May we find ease of mind in all states, Santosha
May the ego of struggle and effort give way to the naturalness, carefree Sahaja

May we be able to bring forth the blossoms that dazzle gray-winter-dazed minds
May we be able to spark the children with the fire of possibility
May we support one another in trust and encouragement
May we avoid falling prey to pity and elation, self-loathing and self-congratulations
May we abandon the greed of competition and find true collaboration
May we stun one another with wisdom-energy, rejoicing in the joy of sisters and brothers
May we leap skillfully with delicious languor working the transformational mating energy
May we engender a sane courage based on skill in awareness
May we tend the delicate flower of contentment in all ordeals
May we come to terms and overcome our personal demons and biases
May we tend the inner sadhana and display great resolve and discipline
May Will and Action be integrated, May Love and Action be harmonified
Ideals of health, harmony, balance, clarity, sanity, calm, and bliss - near and possible be

May the four activities of enlightened beings manifest:
Subjugation of demons through the might of awareness
Pacification of suffering through calling and feeding the afflicted demons
Enriching by making available the methods of penetrating the delusion clouds
Magnetizing and overpowering through keen magick and enchantment
May we discover these qualities within our mindstream
   and therewith sow wisdom-joy for all whom we encounter
May we escape the needless pain and inertia of world-habit-energy
May we cultivate a new-world-habit-energy that serves awakening
May the Great Work of Transmutation of Self be accomplished
All the while may we hold aloft the Gem That Fulfills All Wishes
May we experience the stable merging of Awareness and Space, Samadhi
May the desire for transcendence be kindled
May the obscurations to immanence be removed

After distraction may we return to the technique
When we are lost in the torrents of emotion may we aspire to return to the technique
Thus may we Go along the Royal Road of Means
   towards a more authentic future as we tend the realm of our descendents

                                                                 from the imaginary desk of the imaginary
                                                                 chakra37 on the moon day of the lotus-born

The Giant Car

The Giant Car

The quest for song and story, for children to offer to the well
Contributions to the heap that centers our eyes
The Cone of Power, the Circle and the Point
Creatrix and Matrix
Double ended Wand

Beset by limitations of body and demands of the plane
The many faceted binding and yoking seems the play of Will and Habit
Who is the yoker and who the yoked? The joker and the joked?
Bind the Mind to the Yidam. Remember Vow and Sadhana.
Yet the parrot robot repeats meaningless jibberish

First is the Apparent, Next the Characteristic, and Last the True
The quest for Non-delusion stays fresh in a sharp-minded wanderer
Aspire Aspire, Never Tire, Enflame Thyself, with Fire, with Fire
Dance the Mind, Draw Up, Draw Up
Take sustenance, Aye drain the Cup
Allow the Master to train the Pup

Pointing here and Pointing there and drawing shapes upon the Air
The Mage seeks the mixing of Worlds
Looking for signs and omens to point the way
  Beyond the Obstacles of distraction and discomfort
Don’t despair for the moment is there, is here
and Non-delusion is ever-near.

Ha, I am the shadow, anonymity, content to be unknown.
Aquarian tribes of jesters and scribes, of students and mutants
Symbolic languages abused by dogmatists and poets
Our laughter dissolves our illusions of tidiness

Somewhere beyond token friendship and suspicion is true collaboration
Trust beyond the barrier-infested confused world of dysfunction
There is harmony and the music of balance
Balance beyond the night’s climaxing crescendo
The crescent moon beyond the extremes of full and empty
Confidence in tomorrow the sober mind gives
Yet clarity and sanity fix and trap the mind as well
Somewhere beyond the toxic and the tonic is the Supra-Medicine Mind
The Medicine Field, the Medicine Realm, the Buddha Potion, Ocean of Awakening
We name things, known and unknown
Hoping that ideas will lead the way to Wisdom
The poet-mage turns into liquid in order to penetrate worlds with only words to reveal
So we have heard and been fascinated by the harmony of planets and music and numbers
Riding our stunning synchronicities and chasing our own self-important destinies.
Ah, but now I remember, this discontentment is just a display of magical illusion.
Back to constructing the Giant Car, the Magic Bus, Mahayana

Philosopher's Notes

Philosopher’s Notes

White Body, Silver Blood, Yellow Consciousness
Mixture of Magick in Fixture of Body
The Ordinary veils the Extraordinary which is the Original Ordinary
Transmutation is Illusory
It is Mere Unveiling

Distill Essence   Tame the Mind
Relax in the Nature of Awareness

Shy and Bold, New and Old, Hot and Cold, Spread and Fold, Drop and Hold,
Bought and Sold, Lead and Gold
These separate poles reassemble and re-emerge Beyond

Different Ratios of Afflictions in the Complex Karmic Complex
Struggling in the Habit-Web Awaiting the Spider of Time and Conditions
Ripening and Concealment and Purification by Dissolution
Selfless Bastards born out of Wedlock
Warm Quicksilver feeds the summer bugs in Pan’s wood

I dreamed I offered a clear polished stone on an altar

Flickering Eyes, the Oracle Stalker Prowls the Great Quiet
or so say the keys

The Hidden stays Hidden and the Revealed is Cryptic
Le Fou, dizzy with the thirst for knowledge
Take me to the Mountain and throw me to the god winds

Crawling Serpent, this Wiggling Lust Animal Dance brings Mad Inner drops of Dew
Humans and their stifling worlds of formalities and barriers
Energy rises and falls and they are divided into waxing and waning versions
Which one will greet us today?
Veils upon veils, a tangled forest of inherited perches
Now longing for the vastness of the desolate mountain
Elixir of Sky

Yet hidden in the womb chamber

Or shrouded in mist, or distracted by wind

Unburdened in the freedom of stealth    Scanning for revelation and anomaly
Dreaming the balance of health              Scanning for music and trance harmony
Searching the mind for familiar patterns
Clinging to our illusion of comfort we become hidden from ourselves
Knowledge and Conversation
Take me to the Sky and bid me Fly
Equanimity is the gauge of Beyondness
Open Flower Appears
Just That

Ever searching this un-map-able forest for the long lost friend
Time to rest for the night

Alchemical Soup

Alchemical Soup

Lord and Lady   Beast and Bride   Shiva Shakti   Father Mother Yab Yum
Solve Et Coagula Et Solve Et Coagula Et Solve Et Coagula
SECSECSEC 666 sex sex sex or CESCESCES just one more kiss xxx xero xero xero
The alchemical mixture that leads to manifestation
The Breath of the Universe
Breathing In and Out    She envelopes him in her Yoni Circumference
A spiraling sheath She circumambulates the Lingham
Uniting and Dividing so very quickly
Attraction and Repulsion run the Universe – at least the One we think we know
Ashvins Mercury and Venus cut across the twilight heavens
Symbols just float in the soup of the psyche
Dreamers and Poets feign understanding
Word fades into Symbol and Symbol into Syllable and Syllable into Om
From Infinity to Finity to Infinity to Finity to Infinity to Finity
IFIFIF  - the Unknown or FIFIFI (phiphiphi) High Fi and Low Fi
Irrational Perfection   the inseparability of Chaos and Order – twins from the waters
Panning for Gold and Means, or perhaps the Wisdom of Destiny to make itself known
The soft call of View, that which expands consciousness
The marriage of View and Action becomes the Meditation that ends in Meaningfulness
Oh how these Words, these Marriages and Mirages, taunt and hint
   of something greater or less, something unfamiliarly familiar
But it all depends on one’s perception of Family
From the close tight grip of gross density to the vast circumscribed expansiveness
The Universal Family expands until it contracts
This is all Notes in Stone this alphabet soup divination
Al Khem Sekhem Al Lef Al Fa Elephant Talk a Falafal Laugh Fa La La La La
Energy is the Motion and Consciousness is the Stillness
Each lives hidden in the Other Yin Yang
Potential, Possibility, Seed and Elemental Conditions
The Self, Local and Global, or Local and Universal
Jivatma, Paramatma, Anatma – Little self, Big Self, No Self
Kronos made Time by slicing off the balls of the Sky Vault
The Timelessness of the Inner self needs no Cause and Effect Mechanism
Isvara is a condition of Maya, I and Thou is duality
Para Pan, beyond the all, see through the wall of concepts
Ponder Ponder, oh long may ye wander, ye beyonder
Listen, Reflect, and Apply the Method
Bring in the energy, whoosh it around, and Apply the Method
Mayakoshas, Illusory bodies, Matter Mother, Spirit Breath
The Subtle and the Gross, the Guest and the Host
Oh these Nauseous Words float like Birds in the soup Sky, crowded and vast
I feel Silly with Words – the notions of Sayers and Nay-sayers and Soothsayers
I feel Subdued like the Red Glow Harbringer of the Sun
Riddled and grumpy-heavy with the karmic curse
To Make Divine the Sacred Land this Divination
This is Just Philosopher’s Notes